Saturday, September 14, 2024

God's ultimate control over all things

"This is what God has willed! There is no power except with God!"

The phrase you mentioned is from Surah Al-Kahf (18:39) in the Qur'an. The full verse reads as follows:

"And why did you not say, when you entered your garden, 'This is what God has willed! There is no power except with God!' Though you see me inferior to you in wealth and children."

This verse is part of the story of two men, one of whom was proud and boastful about his wealth, while the other was humble and reminded him of God's will and power. The verse emphasizes the importance of attributing success and blessings to God's will rather than human effort alone. It teaches humility, the acknowledgment of God's ultimate control over all things, and the reminder that material wealth is fleeting without God's support.

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