Monday, April 15, 2024

1. Ar-Rahmaan

The Beneficent 
He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings without showing disparity

He who repeats this name 100 times after each farz (obligatory) prayer wil have good memory, a keen awareness , and be free of a heavy heart.
Do you know what mercy is? Allah shows you His mercy by being compassionate or forgiving when you actually deserve His punishment and anger. Even though you sometimes misbehave, remember that Allah ill not run out of mercy. You can always turn to Him and sincerely ask Him to forgive you for your mistakes. 

Allah is the One Who has plenty of mercy for everyone, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, nice or mean, person or animal! He is merciful and forgiving when we make mistakes and commit sins, and He never runs out of mercy for us.
                               Think & Try




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