Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Camel Hump Hijab

Camel Hump Hairstyles Are Forbidden In Islam

Allah will be very angry and displeased with those women who have hairstyles that are shaped like a camels hump, resulting in preventing them from entering into Jannah (Heaven). This could also
the Curse of Allah - UNLESS THEY REPENT 

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said; "There are two groups from amongst the dwellers of Jahannam (Hell) whom I have not seen. Some people who have whips like tails of cows (i.e. Very Thick), with which they beat people - And women covering their bodies yet naked, who flirt and attract, whose heads are like the humps of camels. They will not enter Jannah (paradise), nor will they enjoy its fragrance, even though its fragrance can be smelt from such and such distance."
 [Sahih Muslim] - 

First group are the tyrant Muslim rulers and the second group is that of immodestly dressed and flirting women, whose sole aim is to be the centre of attraction within the community. The sins of both groups will push them towards Jahannam (Hell).
 - Fragrance of Jannah (Heaven) will be enjoyed by the pious when they will be in the plain of resurrection, waiting for judgement to commence. Jannah (Heaven) will be brought closer and Jahannam (Hell) will be pulled forward. The pious will enjoy the cool breeze of Jannah (Heaven) and its fragrance form a distance of 500 years. Whereas the others will be terrified at the sight of Jahannam (Hell). 

Moral: Lead a simple life, Dress modestly and follow the pious ladies of the past!!

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