Friday, June 19, 2020

Disliked & Haram Hairstyles of Mens

Adopting any hairstyle that entails shaving some part of the head and leaving the other unshaven (i.e. Mohican, short back and sides, wedges,tram lines etc) is Makrooh (severely disliked) and prohibited by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Many parents give their children these disliked haircuts from a young age and say that there is nothing wrong with this as they are only children, but little do they know that they have started to teach their children to break the laws of Allah and go against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Many youth and adults have also adopted these disliked hairstyles, especially trying to emulate the ever changing fashion.

Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) narrate a that Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) saw a boy whose head was partly shaved and part was covered with hair. He(pbuh) said, "Shave it all or leave it all." 
(Abu Dawood, No.3663)

Nafi reports that he heard Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) saying, "I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) forbidding the practice of Qaz'a Ubaid Allah said, "I asked what Qaz'a  was ? So he said, "When the head of a child is shaved and hair is left here and there, and Ubaid Allah pointed towards his forelock and the sides of his head.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, No 5465 - Sahih Muslim No. 3959)

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