Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trust Allah's timing

Your dua could be answered in a day, or it could be answered in a decade. Everything has a prescribed time. Trust Allah’s plans with patience.
Trusting in Allah's timing requires faith and patience, as He knows what's best for us. Every prayer is heard, and it will be answered when the time is right, even if we can't see it immediately. It’s important to stay hopeful and maintain gratitude throughout the process, knowing that Allah's plans are always for our ultimate good.

Who can help you get through your problems but Allah?

Keep making Dua to Allah. Keep asking Him to ease your problems.

Making Dua (supplication) is one of the most powerful tools a believer has. Constantly turning to Allah in both ease and hardship shows humility and faith. Even when we don't see immediate results, we should continue asking, trusting that Allah knows what is best for us and will respond in the right way at the right time. Every Dua is heard, and persistence in supplication strengthens our relationship with Allah.

Don't postpone your prayers

That's a profound reminder. It emphasizes the importance of being mindful and consistent in our prayers, as life is unpredictable and time is limited. Islam encourages believers to prioritize their connection with Allah (SWT) and not delay acts of worship, since our lives and death are ultimately in His hands.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

None of you should make a request for death

"None of you should make a request for death because of the trouble which he involved, but if there is no other help to it, say : 
"O Allah, keep me alive as long as there is goodness in life for me and bring death to me when there is goodness in death for me."

Trust Allah

If He Brings You To It
He Will Bring You Through It
Trust Allah

Peace of Mind

Often perceived as selfish, Allah emphasizes the importance of self love over and over again. We as Muslims are asked to not consume foods that harm our body, to be optimistic, to give up whatever destroys our peace. Allah's love for us is so immense that He doesn' t want us to suffer at all. So before anything else, take care of yourself!