Saturday, September 7, 2024

A true friend

"A true friend is one who upon seeing a fault gives you advice and who defends you in your absence "
Imam Ali

This quote by Imam Ali emphasizes the qualities of a genuine friend. A true friend is not someone who overlooks your faults but rather someone who cares enough to offer constructive advice, helping you grow and improve. Additionally, a true friend stands up for you when you're not present, showing loyalty and integrity. It highlights that real friendship involves honesty, support, and defense of each other’s character, even when the other person isn't around to witness it.

True Friends

🌻 " True Friends Are A Single Soul Divided Between Different Bodies."
                 -Imam Ali

This profound quote by Imam Ali illustrates the deep bond between true friends. It conveys the idea that genuine friendship transcends physical boundaries, as true friends share a connection so strong that it feels as if they are part of the same soul, despite inhabiting different bodies. It speaks to the spiritual and emotional unity that true friendship creates, where friends understand, support, and resonate with one another on a deep, almost inseparable level.

The Cheater Has Sweet Tongue And Bitter Heart

🌻 "The Cheater Has A Sweet Tongue And A Bitter Heart".
 -Imam Ali

This quote by Imam Ali reveals the deceptive nature of a cheater. It suggests that while a cheater may speak with charm and sweetness, their intentions are malicious and self-serving. The "sweet tongue" represents the outward deception, while the "bitter heart" reflects the dishonesty and harmful intentions hidden beneath. It serves as a reminder to be cautious of those who seem outwardly kind but may harbor harmful intentions.

What The Eye Sees The Heart Preserves

🌻 What the eye sees the heart preserves
                               - Imam Ali

This saying by Imam Ali highlights the profound connection between perception and emotion. It suggests that what we observe deeply influences our feelings and memories. The eye captures external reality, and the heart retains these impressions, shaping our inner world. It speaks to the idea that experiences leave lasting imprints on our hearts, affecting how we feel and remember.

People attach themselves to those who love and train them.

🌻 Hearts of people are like wild beasts. They attach themselves to those who love and train them.
-Imam Ali

This quote by Imam Ali beautifully captures the nature of human emotions and connections. It suggests that just like wild beasts, which can be tamed and attached to those who care for and guide them, people's hearts respond to genuine love, compassion, and guidance. It emphasizes the transformative power of love and how it can nurture trust and loyalty.