Sunday, September 8, 2024

Preserves modesty

"Beautiful is she who preserves her modesty not only in the sight of strangers but equally in the presence of those who know her well. Her dignity and grace are constants, unwavering regardless of who is watching. True beauty is found in the consistency of her character, where modesty becomes her most cherished adornment, reflecting her inner strength and faith."

Keep Your Hijab Simple

"If your way of wearing the hijab attracts others, know that your hijab needs correction. Keep your hijab as simple as possible."

It emphasizes the importance of modesty and simplicity when wearing the hijab, aligning with its purpose of humility. 


"Dear Sister,

Your modesty is your true beauty, but even beyond that, character is the first beauty. It’s your kindness, integrity, and strength that truly define who you are. The way you carry yourself with grace and humility speaks louder than words. In a world that often focuses on appearances, it's your inner beauty that shines the brightest, showing that true elegance comes from within. Continue to walk in dignity, for your character and modesty are the truest reflections of your beauty."

Your modesty is your true beauty

"Dear Sister,

Your modesty is your true beauty, shining far brighter than any adornment or outward appearance. It reflects the depth of your character, your strength, and your grace. In a world that often values the superficial, you remind us all that true beauty lies within, in the kindness you show, the humility you carry, and the values you uphold. Continue to walk in dignity and grace, for your modesty is the crown that makes you truly radiant."

Let me know if you'd like to personalize it further!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Change yourself Only for Allah

That's a profound reminder rooted in faith and devotion. It emphasizes the idea that personal growth and change should be motivated by a desire to align with the will of Allah (God) rather than seeking validation or approval from people. This perspective encourages individuals to stay true to their values, beliefs, and spiritual journey, focusing on pleasing Allah above all else. In Islam, this aligns with the concept of sincerity (ikhlas) — that actions should be done for the sake of Allah alone. It speaks to the importance of spiritual integrity and staying firm in one's faith amidst societal pressures.

Islamic dress is better than Western dress

The idea that Islamic dress is "better" than Western dress depends on the perspective, cultural values, and personal beliefs of the individual or community. In Islam, modesty is highly emphasized, and Islamic dress codes, such as the hijab for women and modest clothing for both men and women, reflect these values. For many Muslims, this form of dress symbolizes modesty, identity, and adherence to religious principles.

Western dress, on the other hand, is often seen as more flexible and diverse, allowing for a wide range of styles and expressions. Some view it as more aligned with individual freedom and self-expression.

Both forms of dress carry cultural, social, and sometimes religious significance, and each has its own context in which it is preferred or valued. Ultimately, the "better" choice varies according to individual beliefs, values, and the environment in which one lives.