Monday, June 15, 2020

3. Al-Malik

The Sovereign Lord 
He who is the absolute king of the antire universe. 

He who repeats this name many times every day after the Morning Prayer, wil became rich by the prayer of Allah.

Allah is the King of everything in the entire universel He owns and has power over everything: every planet and star, every insect and animal, every mountain and tree, the cars, the buildings, every single person. even you! It all belongs to Allah. And nothing happens in Allah's kingdom unless He allows it. So we should respect the King by following the rules of His Kingdom.

                          Think & Try

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

2. Ar-Raheem

The Merciful 
He who gives blessings and prosperity, particularly to those who use these gifts as Allah has said, and is merciful to the believers in the here after. 

He who repeats this name 100 times after each Fajr (early morning) prayer will find everyone to be friendly towards him and he will be safe from all worldly calamities.

Allah is the One Who has a very special mercy just for the Muslims. Although Allah is merciful to everyone, He gives the Muslims extra special mercy and rewards in the next life for believing in Him, obeying Him, and doing good deeds.

Although Allah is merciful to everyone, He has a special mercy just for the Muslims! Aliah shows us this special mercy by answering our du'aas, loving us and helping us be near to Him, giving us the happiness and comfort of guidance in Islam, and rewarding us with Paradise in the next life, where we receive everything our hearts desire and so much more!

                            Think & Try
