Sunday, September 1, 2024

At least you are Trying!

That's a beautiful and encouraging message. Here's a way to expand on it:

"No matter what stage of life or faith you are in, it all counts in the eyes of Allah! Every step, every effort, every intention matters. Remember, the journey of faith is personal, and everyone's path is different. What truly counts is that you are trying, striving to be closer to Allah, and working on improving yourself. Don't be discouraged by setbacks or how far you still have to go. Allah sees your sincerity and effort, and that is what matters most. Keep going, for even the smallest steps are significant in your journey toward Him." 

This reminds people that Allah appreciates every effort, no matter how small, as long as the heart is sincere.
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  1. Assalamualaikum. I'd downloaded it and will share it to others. Thanks!
